What is Remind?
Remind provides a free, safe, and easy way for your child’s teacher to communicate with students and parents outside the classroom. Teachers use Remind to send messages directly to your phone or email account regarding:
When creating an account, your child provides his/her name, email address, date of birth and phone number. We do not rent or sell any personal data, there are no ads and personal phone numbers are never shared.
What features will my child have access to?
Since your child is under 13, we want to share what features will or will not be available on Remind:
How is Remind safe?
We take your child's privacy and safety very seriously.
We will not otherwise collect, use or disclose your child’s personal information other than stated within this notice. Your online contact information will not be used for any other purpose. You may refuse to allow your child to participate in our service by emailing us at the email address listed above.
Remind is trusted by over 25 million teachers, students and parents around the world to solve their communication needs. If you or your child’s personal information changes, you may review, correct, update, delete inaccuracies, request deletion of your child’s information, or amend it by contacting us atcontact@remind.com. You may also cancel your child’s account or refuse to allow your child to use our service by emailing the same address. We will respond to your request within 30 days.
We will retain your child’s information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide services. If the account is inactive for at least 12 months, we automatically delete all account information. We will retain and use information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.
In addition, here is a copy of our Privacy Policy: https://remind.com/privacy-policy
Thank You!
The Remind Team
Remind101 Inc
77 Stillman Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 967-1011
Remind cares about your privacy and your subscriber's privacy. Depending on the age of your students we collect and treat their information differently. In order to comply with various regulations we require teachers to indicate to us if their classes may contain subscribers under the age of 13.
We are certified with TRUSTe as a part of their Children's Privacy Program. This means we adhere to TRUSTe’s strict online privacy principles and protect the privacy of personal information for children under the age of 13 collected through their websites, mobile websites, or apps.
Read more about our Privacy Policy and on TRUSTe website about our approval.